
20 Benefits of Eating a Banana Every Day

Once upon a time, someone gave banana’s a bad reputation; ‘they’re high in sugar’, ‘they’re bad for diabetes’, ‘they’re boring’, blah blah blah…

Well, we’re here to rewrite the PR on bananas, to show that eating a banana every day (in any form) is a fantastic addition to your diet, body, and mind. Aside from the fact that they’re simply delicious!

Here are 20 reasons (and 3 recipes!) to help convert you into an ‘eating banana everyday’ believer!

An immunity booster

Vitamin C is associated with the immune system due to its role in white blood cell production, and your average banana contains 11% RDI of this warrior vitamin! Taking vitamin C supplements is an effective, but costly, way to ward against vitamin deficiency.

A banana every morning is an effective alternative to maintain healthy vitamin C levels, so even if the flu does strike you’ll be in peak health for a speedy recovery!

Mood regulation

Bananas are a great source of vitamin B6, and this vital vitamin plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of neurotransmitters for emotional regulation.

There have been studies that indicate a vitamin B6 deficiency can have an impact on depressive symptoms, so whilst a daily banana won’t serve as a magic cure for mood disorders it can be a positive addition for healthy levels of B6.

Maintain healthy blood pressure

Who knew bananas could be helpful to lower blood pressure?! Bananas are a delicious way to boost your potassium intake, a deficiency of which can play a role in high blood pressure and the accompanying health risks.

Potassium is necessary to remove excess sodium, so studies have shown that increasing your potassium levels have a direct impact on blood pressure.

The simple addition of a banana every morning to your diet is therefore a preventative measure against blood pressure complications.


Keep your skin looking young

Goodbye Botox, hello bananas! It turns out that manganese is used by your body for natural collagen production, and the average banana has a whopping 15% of your recommended manganese daily intake.

The role of manganese in collagen formation is currently being researched for it’s effect on wound healing, so not only will a banana add to a youthful glow, it may also have the benefits of shortening the healing time for injuries- double bonus.

Protection against chronic illnesses

The abundance of essential vitamins and minerals all contained within your humble banana contribute to the body’s ability to combat potential chronic illnesses such as heart disease, AMD, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases.

By helping to replenish the body’s supplies of essential nutrients the simple banana adds an extra layer of nutritional defense against physical deterioration.

Combat bloating

Mushy, pureed, in a muffin or unripe, these yellow superfruits are a bountiful source of fiber. Fiber is essential for the digestive system; it provides roughage for the bowel to regulate movements, which in turn helps prevent bloating and that horrible discomfort we’ve all experienced one too many times!

The potassium content of bananas is also essential to counteract fluid retention, so this fibrous, potassium-rich yumminess is definitely my anti-bloating treat.


Bananas are a really easy way to incorporate nutrient-rich fruit into your diet. One of the benefits of eating a banana every day is that you don’t have to be eating a banana every day!

You can be having a smoothie, a muffin, a pancake, porridge, whatever takes your fancy, and all the goodness of a banana can be contained inside a completely different seeming food.

Bananas on their own are yummy, but if you’re feeling bored it’s easy to eat this shapeshifting fruit without even realizing it.

Sports performance

Forget the orange slices, top athletes greatly prefer a banana, and for good reason. The serotonin and dopamine present in bananas help to improve athletes’ antioxidant capacity, and their body’s response to oxidative stress, leading to an overall improvement in performance.

You may not quite be a top athlete, but a morning banana in combination with healthy and consistent exercise will lead to results. 2024 Olympics? See you there!

Manage pre-existing risks of diabetes

Banana is known as a soluble food source of FOS (fructooligosaccharides). Nutrients journal did a review in which they found that FOS was also found to impact pancreatic secretion of insulin.

Furthermore, bananas are a source of magnesium.

Magnesium-rich diets are associated with reducing the risks of type-2 diabetes, so for those with a predisposition to diabetes, the FOS and magnesium found in bananas can be an extra preventative measure against pancreatic deterioration. 



The old adage ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ may have been disputed over the years, but there is no denying that having the energy to start the day seems like a good idea!

The classic yellow peel of a banana makes it practical to throw in a bag and chow on anywhere, so grabbing a banana every morning means you can have a quick and portable energy boost whenever the hunger pangs call.

Good for pregnancy

Vitamin B6 in bananas is fantastic during pregnancy because it contributes to your babies’ developmental needs. During the first trimester eating a banana daily aids brain and nerve development.

Aside from benefitting your growing baby bananas are helpful for soon-to-be mothers due to their anti-bloating properties- pregnancy is hard enough and bloating doesn’t need to be an added discomfort!