When we ask anybody, „Do you eat healthily?” most people will say „yes”. Unfortunately, the reality is more pessimistic. Usually, ordinary junk food is considered health-neutral, which should definitely be avoided.
Today we present a list of 20 popular products that are unhealthy and should not be consumed. Some of them may come as a big surprise, so looking at what people put into a shopping basket is all the more worthwhile.
Fruit juices
Most of the juices that can be found in the shop are sugar bombs melted in water with very little to do with the fruits. Unfortunately, they contain only a few of the valuable nutrients that we can find in fruits. Instead, they offer taste regulators that are supposed to improve flavor and are unlikely to be healthy. Sadly, it’s a kind of junk food.
It is better to squeeze out juices or eat fresh fruits. Naturally, real juice can be bought (but it’s much more expensive). Still, in this case, it is always worth checking the ingredients in the container.
Processed meat
Many may ask, „what’s unhealthy about ham or sausage?”. Unfortunately, the most popular meat products – ham, sausages, or frankfurters – are heavily processed.
Their frequent consumption can contribute to many serious diseases, such as colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
It is much better to buy meat products from local suppliers because there is a better chance of being a natural product without chemical improvers.
Vegetable oils
Industrial-produced vegetable oils (i.e., canola oil) are also a significant health threat. Many of them are not suitable for frying because they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
It is best to give them up and replace them with healthy oils. These include unrefined oils rich in monounsaturated fats, like olive oil, grape seed oil, or avocado oil.
It’s also much better to use cold oils (i.e., as a salad dressing) and reduce frying (whatever it may be). Steam or stewed dishes are healthier.
Ready-to-go shakes and coffee drinks
Like with juices – if there’s nothing wrong with real coffee or shakes made from fresh fruit at home, the ready-to-go products are a real trap.
These drinks contain unhealthy ingredients such as instant cream, sugar, or thickeners. And, of course, tons of calories. That’s junk food.
It is worth giving up this kind of „pleasure” for delicious coffee and tasty shakes. And there are two solutions – either do it at home or visit a good coffee shop where the quality of the coffee offered is high and the milk drinks are made on the spot.
Ice cream
It is hard to find someone who doesn’t like ice cream. No wonder, especially on hot summer days. However, the combination of fat and a lot of sugar is unhealthy. With the addition of chocolate topping or whipped cream, a real calorie bomb will be created.
Unfortunately, the taste will not change that. Additionally, manufactured ice cream may contain various suspicious ingredients that are not beneficial for human health and may be considered junk food.
It is better to make ice cream at home (it can also be an excellent idea for family entertainment) or replace it with frozen yogurt with fruits. Homemade sorbet is also an excellent alternative.
White bread
Bread is the everyday life of almost everyone, and hardly anyone can imagine life without it: sandwiches or toast. Unfortunately, white bread is not the healthiest choice, as it has a high glycemic index.
Moreover, it is poor in essential nutrients. White bread is a filler of junk food with little nutritional value.
Its consumption can also significantly affect health – it can even cause diabetes. Therefore, it is better to choose whole-grain sourdough dark bread.
Over the years duel of commercials – butter vs. margarine could be watched on TV. Scientific research has shown that margarine is harmful to health. Unlike butter, made from cow’s milk, margarine is made from vegetable oils.
The process of its production causes the presence of trans fats in it, which intensify inflammation in the body. Margarine destroys cells lining the blood vessels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, and bad cholesterol. If it is a must, it is better to use natural butter.
Canned food
Especially in low season, canned food (like tomatoes or corn) may seem like a good alternative when fresh vegetables are out of reach. Unfortunately, many cans on the market contain a substance that is unhealthy – bisphenol A (BPA). It is used in the form of epoxy resin that insulates metal from food. It also penetrates into the veggies inside the can.
It’s the case of especially tomatoes because they are particularly susceptible to the absorption of this dangerous substance, which make of it really junk food. It is worth to know that the use of bisphenol A (BPA) has been banned in Canada, the USA and the Scandinavian countries. In the fall or winter, it is definitely better to choose silage and, for example, frozen vegetables (they do not lose their values and it is certain that they were harvested in the season).
Salt – the basis for cooking for everyone. It is hard to imagine not salting something just „for taste”. Salt clearly enriches the taste of food and other spices, but it is definitely overused. Salt is everywhere and it’s a huge mistake. It is better to be careful, because it contributes to a number of health ailments and leads to serious diseases. Consuming salt above 5 g per day, i.e. less than a teaspoon, impairs the absorption of nutrients and the proper functioning of the body. In the long run, excessive salt consumption can result in high blood pressure, kidney stones, digestive system diseases, and atherosclerosis. It is better to use sea or Himalayan salt, which contain various essential micro elements.
Instant food
People are busy today, have little time or simply do not like / cannot cook. Then often ready meals, instant soups come to the rescue. It is tempting, because in a few seconds it is possible to get a warm meal, sometimes even tasty.
All powdered dishes, both soups and sauces, are packed with chemistry – eating them human body absorb dyes, thickeners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, food grade rubber, enhancers, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, anti-caking agents and preservatives. There are few worse things than that. The best solutions is just stop eating such products. Instant food = junk food.
Breakfast cereals are often advertised as a healthy and nutritious product giving the energy to start the day. It is hardly surprising, because they are usually full of sugar. And it’s usually the worst-quality sugar – crystalline sucrose or glucose-fructose syrup. And also they have high glycemic index.
Usually it is also a highly processed product, so there is a good chance that the composition will also include conditioners, preservatives and dyes. It’s a sweet junk food. Completely better is to compose own granola or mix of cereals and grains for breakfast – then, yes, it is a healthy snack.
Farmed fish
Fish are healthy – this would seem to be a universal truth. After all, sea fish contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. It’s certainly worth eating those that feed on plankton and smaller fish. Fish from farms do not have such an opportunity and therefore do not contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids – all due to the feed full of antibiotics.
In addition, farmed fish contain a lot of harmful dioxins and heavy metals. For example, as part of salmon farming, a synthetic pigment is added to the feed to make the fish look healthier and more attractive. Unfortunately, this is just a trick to cheat the consumer. It is definitely better to eat wild fish from a reliable supplier.
Low-fat dairy products
Low-fat milk or yoghurt seem to be a regular part of a healthy diet. In fact, full-fat dairy is a much healthier product (yes, this fat is beneficial to human health), while dairy that is „fit” is artificially sweetened.
Briefly, healthy nutrients are removed to replace them with unhealthy sugar, a sweetener or glucose-fructose syrup. As a result, eating „dietary dairy products” can lead to serious illness such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. As a rule – it is better to avoid highly processed products.
Stock cubes
Almost everyone likes a bowl of hot broth. A good soup, however, requires time to prepare an essential stock. That’s why many people take shortcuts and use stock cubes. However, this is a product that should be avoided. Their composition includes mainly salt, trans fats, hardened vegetable fats and substances enhancing taste and smell as well as artificial dyes. Sounds like an absolute junk food.
But making own healthy broth is not difficult at all! All what is needed to do is good time planning, put the pot on fire and take care of other matters. Then the excess soup can be frozen and used whenever it is needed.
Sport drinks
Sports stars are often the faces of different brands of sports drinks. Unfortunately, this is another marketing trap that many people fall into. The disadvantages of these drinks are artificial dyes and large amounts of sugar used. And ironically, a lot of sugar dehydrate the organism, which is very bad in sports. In addition, these types of drinks are very caloric, which is not necessarily good either.
Sadly, but sports drinks are junk food. Instead of fancy, colorful drinks, it is better to add a pinch of good salt to plain water – in this way the body will quickly fill up minerals and will be well hydrated.
Brown Rice
Brown rice has a very good reputation, and indeed, quite a lot of health-promoting properties (e.g., slows fiber digestion and contains selenium, which speeds up metabolism). However, it contains one more ingredient that should be used with caution when consuming brown rice.
It is arsenic, which is carcinogenic and also causes heart disease. For this reason, brown rice should be eaten sporadically – in no case it should be the basis of the diet. It is worth replacing it with a white counterpart, preferably with groats.
Mayonnaise, although adored by masses of people, is unfortunately at the forefront of products containing so-called empty calories. Besides the taste, it is the perfect partner for weight gain. In addition, industrially produced mayonnaise contain a lot of preservatives (somehow, the raw egg does not spoil over many months!).
It is definitely better to replace mayonnaise with Greek yoghurt and enjoy equally excellent taste (and better health!). If it is a must, it is definitely better to make homemade mayonnaise and consume it very sporadically.
Dried Fruit
Dried fruit seems a healthy and tasty snack or an addition to dishes or pastries. Unfortunately, unhealthy ingredients are often used in the production of dried fruits.
First, they are sulfites (especially dangerous for asthmatics) and a lot of sugar (especially in the case of cranberries). In addition, vegetable oils are often added to dried fruits, which increases their caloric content. And unfortunately nothing is left of healthy snacking. It is better to eat fresh fruit or dry it at home.
Fruit Yoghurt
If yoghurts are healthy, then those with fruit should be as well. Nothing could be more wrong! Unfortunately, fruit yoghurt is not only yoghurt and fruit, but also a lot of other ingredients. First, there is almost no real fruit in this type of product – deficiencies are supplemented with sugar and aromas. They also have carrageenan: an emulsifier of plant origin, which – as studies have shown – causes inflammation in people with gastrointestinal problems.
It is better to leave fruit yoghurt alone – it can be easily made at home with … yoghurt and fruit. Then it is for sure healthy snack with no harmful ingredients.
Fit bars
The name of these popular products is very confusing, as unfortunately they usually have little to do with a healthy diet. Most often, products under the „fit” label are very processed and contain very little natural nutrients. There may not be anything so bad about it, but the problem arises when such snacks replace a wholesome meal.
It’s just that a „dietary” bar won’t provide all the nutrients needed by the organism and in total has little to offer. Such inventions should simply be avoided at all like any other junk food.