
This Is What Happens To Your Body If You Drink 1 Coffee A Day

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is of African origin. The drink is brewed from the roasted seed of the Coffea species. There has been an equal debate on whether coffee is good for the body or not.

In this article, we will discuss both the health benefit as well as the side effect for drinking too much coffee.

With the benefits, you will be glad to be one of the populations that drink coffee. The benefits include

Burning of Calories

It has been emphasized in some studies that the consumption of coffee can help boost the metabolism of the body. In doing so, it helps burn calories and positively affect body weight loss.

Research has shown that drinking of coffee before exercise help burn more calories than without taking coffee, especially in athletes and those that are involved in sport.

Reduction of depression

Research has shown that the increasing consumption of coffee help reduces depression but elevate the mood of the body.

The coffee consumption helps control the mood by stimulating the production of neurotransmitter such as noradrenaline, and serotonin in the body.

Reducing the risk of cancer

Coffee is associated with a reduced risk of some disease, such as the colorectal and liver cancer among others.

Research has shown that those that consume coffee have a lower chance of developing cancer due to the ability of coffee to reduce Inflammation, which is the main factor of tumor development.

It boosts your energy

Some study has shown that coffee serves as the enhancer for the production of antioxidant in the body.

Apart from its supply of energy, the production of antioxidant fights against disease and also help reduces free radical activity.

Prevention of diabetes

It has been proven that those that consume coffee have reduced risk of developing diabetes than others who don’t take coffee.

Coffee helps control the risk of diabetes because of its increasing production of insulin which helps regulate blood sugar effectively.

Effect of Coffee on the Body

Coffee may have the following impact due to body type or too much consumption.

It may affect Blood Pressure

The consumption of too much coffee may increase the blood pressure of the body, both for those with normal and abnormal blood pressure.

The effect of the caffeine present in the coffee is the increase in blood pressure of the consumer either directly or via highly vigorous activities.

It may panic disorder and anxiety

High consumption of coffee which is accompanied by caffeine, may induce anxiety.

Reported shows that high daily intake of coffee per day causes nervousness and release of the hormone that triggers anxiety. The report is similar to an individual that are coffee sensitive.

It may interfere with your sleep

Another effect of high consumption of coffee is the ability to cause Insomnia (i.e., sleeplessness)

Caffeine present in coffee may cause sleeplessness because of its concentration in its high consumption. Therefore, it is advised not to consume coffee close to bedtime.

It may trigger the production of hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid was supposed to be produced during digestion, but consumption of coffee may trigger its production.

Early consumption of coffee may cause the production of hydrochloric acid, which is needed for the digestion. This is bad for the body because the body has limited production of the acid. With its early production, it might affect the rate of metabolism.

It may reduce the amount of mineral needed by the body

High consumption of coffee may reduce the amount of required mineral in the body.

Coffee may interfere with the absorption of mineral in the body, whether you consume high rich mineral food or not, because of its effect on iron.


Coffee may have fewer risks compared to benefits, but the risk can, therefore, be considered. You may feel that it would be useful to reduce the quantity consumed per day or even interchanging with other beverages.