
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat 3 Eggs A Day

If you are wondering what can happen to your body if you eat 3 eggs a day, know that there are many benefits. Eating 3 eggs a day is a habit of many people, precisely because it is one of the simplest, most versatile and cheapest ways to increase protein intake, but eggs are also rich in antioxidants, amino acids and healthy fats. 

A single egg provides more than six grams of protein (13% of what is recommended), which can help you strengthen and preserve your muscles. Given the many benefits brought to the body by the eggs, it seems that we should also take this habit. 

At the time of purchase, it is always advisable to opt for organic eggs, paying attention to the labels; while, their color difference does not indicate a different nutritional value. Let’s discover some of the incredible effects that eating 3 eggs a day can have on the body.

3 eggs a day

1. Reduces the risk of heart diseases

Generally, doctors are more interested in the relationship between the so-called “good” cholesterol (HDL) and the “bad” cholesterol (LDL). An egg consists of about 212 milligrams of cholesterol but, despite this, eggs decreases the heart attack risk.

The reason? LDL cholesterol is known as “bad” cholesterol, as LDL particles carry the fat molecules into artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis.

On the other hand, HDL particles can eliminate fat molecules from artery walls. All LDL particles are not same, as there are numerous types that differ in size: some studies have shown that smaller particles have a greater risk of causing heart disease as compared to larger LDL particles.

In fact, they tend to increase cholesterol, and also increases the size of LDL particles and consequently reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems.

3 eggs a day

2. Improves skin and hair health

Eggs do not only contain vitamin B2 but also consist of a rich amount of vitamin B5 and vitamin B12.

Group B vitamins are known to be important for healthy hair, skin, eyes and liver; for this reason, it seems that eating 3 eggs a day can be of great help. It also guarantees the correct functioning of the nervous system.

3 eggs a day

3. Strengthens the immune system

If you wish to fight infections, viruses and diseases, the advice is to have 3 eggs a day diet. One egg contains almost a 22% of the daily dose of selenium, a nutrient that aids the immune system, as well as the regulation of thyroid hormones.

Above all, children and adolescents must eat eggs because, due to their selenium content, it is possible to avert the risk of developing Kashin-Beck’s disease and Keshan’s disease, 2 diseases that impact the bones, heart, and joints.

4. Decreases the levels of anxiety and stress

The eggs contain 9 essential amino acids useful for the health your body. If you are lacking amino acids, then, you need to eat 3 eggs a day.

The lack of these amino acids can have negative effects on mental health: a 2004 study explained how the integration of lysine in the diet can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels, also modulating serotonin in the nervous system.

3 eggs a day

5. Protects liver

Group B vitamins are not the only micronutrients that have a good effect on the liver health, but choline also plays an important role. According to recent research, choline deficiency is linked to the buildup of liver lipids, which is a source of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis.

On the other hand, a study published in the Journal of Nutrition has highlighted how a higher intake of choline in the diet is associated with a inferior risk of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis in women.

3 eggs a day

6. Protects Eyes

A research showed that eggs contain large amounts of lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and clear vision.


In case of its deficiency, the destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and the vision deteriorates irreversibly.

3 eggs a day

7. Increase satiety

Eating 3 eggs a day also increases the sense of satiety and this allows you to eat less. An egg is a good source of quality proteins and there are several studies that have shown the impact of high protein foods on appetite, so it should not surprise you that the eggs reach a fairly high score on a scale called “Satiety Index”, or “Index of Satiety”.


It is a factor that measures to what degree, different foods contribute to the feeling of fullness.

3 eggs a day

8. 3 eggs a day can help losing your weight

Eating 3 eggs a day also help you to lose weight! It is due to the high satiating power of the eggs, but this is also linked to fat loss.

A study on this has provided extraordinary results: over a period of eight weeks, at breakfast, some people ate three eggs and others a bagel, which had the same quantity of calories.

What happened? The egg-eating breakfast group lost 65% more weight, 16 percent more body fat, and a waist circumference reduced 34% more than those who consumed bagels.

Scientists suggests that by combining a low-calorie diet with the consumption of eggs at breakfast, people lose weight 2 times faster. This breakfast satisfies for a long time, which reduces the amount of food consumed during the day.

3 eggs a day

9. Reduces inflammation


Finally, eggs, being one of the main sources of dietary phospholipids, are able to reduce inflammation: according to a recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition.

There is a connection between the dietary intake of these bioactive compounds and of choline with the reduction of inflammations and, therefore, with the lowering of the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases.


As we have seen above, 3 eggs a day provides an affordable and ideal way to provide protein to the body, which is a valuable contribution to muscle strength as a source of energy and also promotes the feeling of fullness.

In addition to the above benefits, the natural and high-quality eggs highly contribute to the strength, power and energy of our body in various ways.